The New Nature of Fuel

Our Products

Oryxe is the only third party certified carbon reduction fuel additive technology with a proven track record of increasing performance and reducing emissions from Diesel and Gasoline at a low cost per Metric Ton of CO2. With over $50MM in R&D invested, we have 7 TCEQ Certifications, the only U.N. Issues Transitional Fuel Certification, 17 patents issued, 5 patents pending, and have successfully treated 2+ billion barrels of fuel over the past 5+ years.

Cost Effective

No capital expenditure needed
Lowest cost per
MT of co2 removed
Low Treat Rate

Safety & Reliability

10 year history of
servicing clients
> 2 Billion Barrels Treated
with 100% Safety Record
100% On Time Delivery

Best Technology

Multi-Fuel Portfolio
17 Patents Granted
5 Patents Pending

Our Product

Easy to measure impact- 7% CO2 equivalent reduction
Increased fuel economy
– 30% PM reduction



UN Transitional
Fuel Certification
7 TXLED Certifications
Testing in CARB, ISO, and EU Certified labs in  3 continents


Our track record

CO2 Emissions

We has a proven track record of reducing the carbon intensity of fossil and renewable fuels at the lowest cost possible (add table from deck) with well over 2 billion barrels of fuel treated and over 16 Million MT of CO2 reduced to date.

CCS (Carbon capture and storage)
Forestry credits
CNG/LNG conversion
Renewable fuels